Koksh realizoj me date 23 Mars 2015, ne ambjentet e Hotel Bleart Seminarin mbi Edukimin Olimpik ne te cilin moren pjese rreth 95 persona perfaqesues te Drejtorive Arsimore Rajonale, Zyrat Arsimore, Qendrat Kulturore te Femijeve dhe mesues te Edukimit Fizik nga i gjithe vendi.
Ky seminar kishte theksin ne procesin e implementimit te Paketes Olimpike 4 si dhe masivizimin e aktiviteteve te Javes Olimpike ne shkolla per vitin 2016.
Koksh ka realizuar prodhimin e 2000 cope Paketave Olimpike te cilat jane shpernadre ne 1800 shkola 9- vjecare ne vend.
Koksh ka realizur gjate vitit te kaluar ne periudhen Mars-Qershor procesin e shperndarjes se paketave Olimpike dhe trajnimin e rreth 450 mesuesve te edukimit fizik ne 6 qarqe te vendit : Tirane, Durres, Lezhe, Vlore, Elbasan, Shkoder
Si pasoje e ketij procesi pati nje numer shume te madh shkollash qe realizuan Javet Olimpike ashtu si dhe shume Dite Olimpike qe jane shnderruar ne aktivitete sportive festive ne qendra te qyteteve si Durresi , Lezha , Permeti, Shkodra etj
Ne kete seminar KOKSH kishte perzgjedhur kater prezantime te cilat treguan eksperiencat me te mira te organizimit te punes per Javen Olimpike ne tre nivele:
- Organizimi i Punes nga Drejtoria Arsimore( DAR Shkoder) dhe Zyra Arsimore (ZA Lushnje)
- Organizimi i Dites Olimpike ne nivel qyteti ( QKF Durres)
- Organizimi i Javes Olimpike ne shkolle ( Projekte Mini Olimpiada ne shkolle-Projekt i Paketes Olimpike
Gjithashtu nga KOKSH u prezantuan modelet dhe materialet e reja te Koncepteve te Dites Olimpike 2016. Pese materiale te reja ne forme mini loje ne grupe dhe kuize jane vene ne dispozicion te gjithe mesuesve te edukimin fizik, materiale te cilat jane tashme ne faqen e webit te KOKSH nen seksionin Edukimi Olimpik
Pjese e rendesishme e ketij seminari ishte dhe plotesimi i nje pyetesori nga pjesemarresit ne te cilin ne pjesen e pare u mblodhen opinionet e tyre mbi rendesine dhe efektivitetn e materialeve te Paketes Olimpike ndersa ne pjesen e dyte opinionet e tyre per mundsite dhe afatet e realizimit te Diteve Olimpike. informacionet ne kete pyetesor KOKSH i konsideron si mjaft te endsishme pasi do te ndihmojne ne permirsimin e punes me materiale te tjera shtese ne ndihme te mesuesve dhe gjithahstu do te mund te ndertojme nje kalendar per organizimin e Diteve Olimpike ne te gjithe vendin per vitin 2016.
Seminar on Olympic Education
On the 23rd of March 2016, the Albanian National Olympic Committee organized, in Durres at the Bleart Hotel, a seminar on Olympic education. About 95 people representing Regional Education Directorates, Education Offices, Children Cultural Centers and physical education teachers were present at this event. They came from all over Albania to attend this seminar which aimed at providing information on the implementation of the Olympic package 4 and the organization of school activities for the Olympic week.
The NOC produced 2000 pieces of the Olympic package and distributed 1800 of them to different school in the country. Moreover, between March and June last year, the Albanian NOC did not only deliver the packages, but also trained 450 physical education teachers in six different regions of the country: Tirana, Durres, Lezha, Vlora, Elbasan and Shkodra.
As a result, a large number of schools organized festive sports activities in the framework of the Olympic Week and Olympic day 2015. It took place in the city center of Durres, Lezha, Permet, Shkodra, etc.
During the seminar, the NOC presented four cases which showed the best way to organize events for the Olympic Week at three different levels:
- The Labour Organization of the Department of Education (DAR Shkodra) and the Education office (ZA Lushnje);
- The organization of the Olympic Day at the city level (FCC Durres);
- The organization of the Olympic Week in school (school projects Mini Olympics – Olympic Project Package).
In addition, the Albanian NOC also presented the five new materials related to the organization Olympic Day 2016. Amongst the materials, which are now available to all physical education teachers, there are mini-games, quizzes, etc. All materials are already online, you can find it on the web site of the NOC under the section Olympic Education.
Another crucial part of the seminar was the completion of a questionnaire by the participants. It was divided into two sections: the first one centered on the importance and effectiveness of the Olympic package, the second part focused on the possibilities and limits of the realization the 2016 Olympic Day. The information that the NOC will gather thanks to this questionnaire are of high importance as it will help improving the content of the coming materials on the organization of the Olympic Day 2016.